
Struggle session taxi driver
Struggle session taxi driver

  • Badass Bystander: Travis during the convenience store robbery.
  • #Struggle session taxi driver code#

    When Travis tries to give them a fake address, he fumbles and gives a six number zip code instead of a five letter one, and tries to excuse the mistake by saying he mixed it up with his phone number.

  • Bad Liar: Travis's attempts to get more knowledge about the Secret Service detail protecting Palantine only tips them off that he's a potential lunatic.
  • To a much lesser extent, Travis qualifies by the end of the movie.
  • "You must think I'm pretty sick, right?" (and laughs).
  • The psychopathic passenger played by Martin Scorsese.
  • His other, smaller guns prove to be much more practical.Įasy Andy: This might be a little too big for practical purposes. Travis only gets off one shot, and a non-fatal one at that. True to Andy's warnings, it proves to be pretty useless in the climax. 44 Magnum for self-defense, lampshaded by Easy Andy, who recommends a snubnose.
  • Author Avatar: Travis for Paul Schrader, though Schrader obviously never went on a shooting spree.
  • The film's creators have stressed repeatedly over the years that it was purely dumb luck that Travis' victims wound up fitting this trope and that he didn't end up killing someone innocent like Tom or Betsy or Senator Palantine.
  • Asshole Victim: We're not supposed to cheer the carnage, but Travis' victims (pimps and gangsters) do fall under this category.
  • After making several purchases, the man runs down a laundry list of other illegal wares, to Bickle's disgust.
  • Arms Dealer: Travis buys a number of guns from the suitcase of a skeevy street dealer named Easy Andy.
  • The Anti-Nihilist: Wizard's existentialist speech to Travis ends with him essentially saying that Travis should go out and enjoy life to the fullest, since everyone is going to die anyway.
  • Screenwriter Schrader said on DVD commentary that the fact that Bickle was worshipped as a hero was meant to be ironic, and that he would not be a hero when he snapped again (the cymbal crash and the look in his eyes in the rearview mirror at the end implied that he was as unstable as ever). The guy's a nut, but hardly a malicious one.

    struggle session taxi driver

    Anti-Hero: Travis Bickle practically invented the modern anti-hero.Animal Motifs: Robert De Niro thought of Travis Bickle as a crab - indirect and tended to shift from side to side.The fact that he lies to his parents about his life also opens up the possibility of some issues there. That's in addition to the fact that he likely has some level of PTSD from his military service. It's been stated by psychologists that Travis likely suffers from Schizotypal personality disorder. He has immense difficulty speaking to others and socializing, tends to see people in black and white terms, suffers from insomnia and mentions taking pills in addition to drinking a lot, tries to be charming but often comes across as vaguely creepy instead, has a frightening capacity for violence simmering just below the surface and he is heavily implied to be suicidal. Ambiguous Disorder: There's something really off about Travis.She tells Travis that he reminds her of a lyric from "The Pilgrim – Chapter 33": "Partly truth, partly fiction. AM/FM Characterization: Betsy is a fan of Kris Kristofferson.Alone in a Crowd: The page quote says it best.Had his original plan worked, Travis would be seen as a deranged murderer, instead, he became a local hero. With his primary target unavailable, he goes off to kill Sport (a pimp) and his gangster associates, rescuing Iris in the process. Accidental Hero: Travis was originally planning to assassinate Palantine, but his plot was foiled by the secret service.See also The King of Comedy, another Scorsese-directed film about a mentally ill loner, now in Black Comedy flavor. Knowing this makes several scenes, including the whole side-story of Bickle's plot to assassinate a local senator and presidential candidate, a different experience to watch.

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    cited it as the source of his obsession with star Jodie Foster and indirect influence on his failed assassination of President Reagan.

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    While controversial in its release, the film became positively notorious when John Hinckley, Jr.

    Struggle session taxi driver